Book the Cookie Monster!

Is the Cookie Policy on your WordPress website compliant with the latest EU GDPR Cookie requirements? If not, don’t stress – we can sort it!
Book the Cookie Monster at inspiration
From just €250* for most WordPress websites

Why Do I Need This?

As of May 4th 2020, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted guidelines for GDPR compliance that clarify what constitutes valid consent for consumers personal data processing in the EU. These guidelines confirm that the use of generic “cookie walls” as a way of obtaining consent is in fact non-compliant.

What this means is that the generic cookie consent popups that feature only an ‘OK’ button, without details of cookie types, purposes, durations and which third party personal data is being shared, have effectively been made illegal in the EU. This information about cookies and the ability to manage them must be available to the consumer. You should be aware of course that by implementing the required approach, your stat’s on site visitors etc may be radically different in comparison to previous years (lower) however this may not be a true reflection of activity on your site – it’s just a reflection of the fact that you are now restricted in monitoring that activity

What if I only deal B2B

GDPR legislation primarily deals with consumer interactions but the issue many businesses have is that they may be working on a B2B basis but clients may be using personal data and equipment e.g. gmail addresses, personal laptops or consider themselves consumers at the point of interaction with your business. For this reason it’s probably a good idea to implement simple changes that help you comply, even if you sell B2B. However of course we are not offering legal advice so please liaise with your professional legal adviser in this regard.

What We Can Do

We will implement a cookies plugin on your WordPress website to ensure it is GDPR compliant by;

  •  Enabling a Cookies wall / Full-screen layout – By having the Cookies Consent Banner displayed in a full screen mode, users can either accept, reject or manage Cookies before they can see your content.
  •  Cookies Declaration – This will allow you to declare from the outset the exact type of cookies that your site uses, including the cookie name, provider, purpose and expiration.
  • Storage of this information – you are obliged to demonstrate acceptance of Cookies and the plug-in will store this information for you should it be queried into the future.


We are offering this service at an indicative cost of €250* which will apply in most cases but we will need to confirm this cost. In the case of more complex website the price may be higher, charged in relation to time required.

*Price dependent on the number of cookins being deployed by your site and includes 12 months Licence fee for the plug-in. A nominal fee (circa 25 euro) will apply annually going forward to maintain support for the plug-in. If you are an Annual Maintenance and Support client, this annual fee will be included in the AMS contract. VAT additional on all fees, at current rates.

Call now to book the Cookie Monster at inspiration!